Browse Collections (24 total)

Reflections on Relative Space (mini-lab 1)

A Guide to Nabokov's "A Guide to Berlin"


Where the East Begins: Travelogues and Geopolitics

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Disasters in the late Soviet Union and Transition

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Maps, photos, and other media about disasters

Emergency management in the Newly Independent States


Rescaling the Frontier: Documenting the Turkmenistan-China Gas Pipeline


Reading Kultura from a Distance


These are maps generated from a database of authors, letter-writers, and funders of the Polish emigre journal Kultura between 1947 and 1989.

Contributors: Jessie Labov

Europe's Russian Colonies

Over the course of the long nineteenth century, hundreds of thousands of tsarist subjects left the Russian empire and resettled in the major urban…

Contributors: Faith Hillis

Mapping New Silk Roads


Mapping New Silk Roads -A Case Study of the Silk Road Economic Belt

Contributors: Yunjie Li

The Project of Becoming: The LGBT Movement’s Elastic Resistance in Post-Soviet Countries

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What began as a digital anthropological project, rhizomed into a project not contained to one specific discipline. ‘The Project of Becoming’…

Contributors: Scott Valentine